Welcome to Glimpse with the best privacy features on the Net.
Do you feel like you have to give up all your privacy just to be on a popular platform to make some money?
Glimpse allows you to be able to set your account privacy settings to allow your profile to be seen by everyone or by no one.
Glimpse allows you to do business with all the privacy and security that is desired in today’s unfriendly social media world.
Do you do video calls or live broadcasting? Glimpse allows you to choose who will be included and not be included when doing either.
Do you want to operate a store? Glimpse allows you to make your store public to everyone or private to only users who you choose to sees it.
Do you sell content? Glimpse allows you the ability to sell your content privately only to users who you want to view it.
Do you need a private Sponsored page? Glimpse allows you to do private invites hidden from the rest of the world to your sponsored page.
Not only do you get all these high-quality features with Glimpse but you also are rewarded all the privacy that comes with it.